Monday, February 28, 2011

Catalog Choice - Yes Please

Like many of you, we just had our kids' winter vacation from school.  We returned to find the piles of mail, and more than half of it was catalogs.

We all do a fair amount of online shopping but seriously, the number of catalogs that show up in our mailbox is ridiculous.  It seems to be such a waste, when most of them go directly into the recycling bin.

So with that in mind we thought we'd share one nonprofit we found that is aiming to cut that down.  It's called Catalog Choice and it does just that - allows you to opt out of catalogs you're just not interested in, and only receive the ones you want.

Sign up, enter your name and address, and from there you can search their database of hundreds of catalog companies and they will help you get off those mailing lists.  They make it easy - and they're starting to help people with other privacy concerns online.  By their estimation, they've saved 670,577 full grown trees, 672 million pounds of solid waste, and over 98 million gallons of water used to process the paper.  That's a lot of unwanted mail.

I'm entering a bunch of the ones I received today - and keeping the ones I'd like to see again.  Thought you might enjoy this helpful hint.  Perhaps it will free up a few more minutes of your day and do a little good too.

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