Well fast forward just a few years and the way women earn, spend their money, or make spending decisions for their households, certainly have changed. Women now have a much greater say, or decide altogether, in how they and their families make purchases large and small.
But we all still have the desire to find the 'good stuff' that's worthy of spending our Lipstick Money. And how do we generally find the best little 'golden nuggets' of information; great gifts, ideas for our kids, wardrobe updates, fun things of the here and now? We ask our friends. We want them to help us cut through the clutter and the noise out there that seems to just grow louder in this information age.
So Lipstick Money is written by your friends - the ones you turn to, new friends or old, to help you get to the small treasures of life. Little things for everyday or aspirations for someday, but we hope to bring you thoughts that give you a bit of joy. And yes we can be picky, but we know you're picky too.